C-NET Family Support! ☺️ 💕 ☺️ 💕 ☺️
Hello everyone!
It has been a hot day since its still a summer season, but recently rain started to fall these days, but the C – NET family had a fun event 🎵
皆様のお陰で最近C-NETフィリピンズは忙しく、連日イベント盛りだくさんです ☺️
It because of everyone’s support C-NET Philippines having busy days and we do have a lot of events (^_^)b
And this time, we got additional support from the C-NET Japan to participate from the main office!
The photo you see above, we took this picture when we went to our Dormitory🎵
We had communication with the dormers, we put the additional beds in the dorm, fix the beds and materials, we did cleaning the dormitory, and we’ve done a lot of things this day✨
普通にやっていたら疲れていたかもしれないけど、不思議にも皆で一緒にやるとはかどるし時間もあっと言う間に時間が過ぎて行く感じがしました⏰ 🎵 ☺️
Although I might be just getting tired if I was doing it alone, but it would be wonderful if everyone would do it together, and time felt that the time had passed like a flash this day.
I actually have’t ask them if I can use this photo, but since they look very happy I decided to use this one to post🎵
Just a one scene of our moment but I will share it here the cleaning moment we had💕
お決まりの「ヤー」ショット 🎉 (笑)
Our standard “Yah” posing shot🎉 Looks really fun (^u^)/
The actual office environment is just exactly same as one you saw in the photo. Friendly atmosphere everyday, and they are each every single family have unique, kind, intelligent, and have reliable kind of personality.
I secretly thinking that I am very grateful that I am working with C-NET and one of the family of C-NET💕
・・・なので、秘密な感じでここに書いてみました ☺️
・・・so, secretly I will post in here to share(^_^)b
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