Breakfast at Ayala Museum’s
Good morning everyone!
Today, I would like to share about the nice cafe that is located here in the Philippines!
Actually this is very near to our C-NET Philippines’ office! This cafe actually located in the entrance of Ayala Museum (Also known as, Makati Museum).
The Ayala Museum is a museum located in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines. It is located in Ayala Center adjacent to Greenbelt mall and is run privately by the Ayala Foundation. This museum have ethnographic and archaeological exhibits on Filipino culture, art, and history. Since its establishment in 1967, the museum has been committed to showcasing overseas collections and situating contemporary Philippine art in the global arena in a two-way highway of mutual cooperation and exchange with local and international associates.
Since this beautiful cafe is just located just near to our office, I decided to go for eating the breakfast.
Isn’t this look yummy?
The approximately budget to eat in this cafe for two persons, is around PHP 1,800.00~.
They of course caters lunch and dinner, in the night time they open their bar space to enjoy night time. The quality and ambiance of this bar is quite good at the same time the environment this museum cafe is mysterious but cool.
Night view also very nice in here.
They also have breezy cool terrace table space outside!
So… You should try to eat here one day!
This is sure it’s good and surely you can have fun in here!
have a nice day to all!
実は、このカフェ私達のオフィスからとても近いんです!マカティーのグリーンベルト1のすぐ裏で、マカティーの大通りアヤラ大通り(Ayala Avenue)すぐ裏手にあるんです♪
アヤラ博物館とは、フィリピン最大手企業の一つであるアヤラ・ファンデーション(Ayala Foundation)によって個人的に運営されている博物館です。 この博物館はフィリピンの文化や芸術、そして歴史に関する民族学的考古学的な展示物などがあります。 博物館は1967年の設立以来、海外のコレクションなどを展示し、現代のフィリピンの美術を国際的な場に位置づけることを公約し、現在に至ります。
おおよそで、2名程の一回の食事でかかる費用はPHP1,800ペソ程〜(日本円で約4,048程〜*2017年度2月24日時点為替) もちろんこのレストランでは朝食だけではなく昼食やディナーも出しており、夜にはバーもオープンされ美味しいカクテルやワインなどお楽しみ頂けます。博物館にあるカフェという事で、ヴィンテージ感溢れる風囲気と静かな環境は更に満喫した時間をお送り頂けると思います!
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