College Students and Career Planning📚 ✏️ 📅 🌎
College Students and Career Planning
In order to start the post-college job search off with confidence, it makes a great deal of sense to approach college with a plan in mind. As part of the same Student Engagement Insights survey, we asked students: Do you have a defined career plan?
就学後の就職活動を自信を持って始める為には、まず計画を念頭に置いて大学に進学するということには非常に重要な意味があります。 アンケート調査の一環として学生に次のように質問しました。
As you can see above, nearly three-quarters of them do have a career plan, which is a positive sign. (Nearly half of those who responded “no” are freshmen or sophomores, which may simply indicate that they are still in the process of discovering which career path they’d hope to pursue.) Even so, this strong showing led us to wonder what motivated these students and helped them to develop and follow a plan for pursuing their career goals.
College students and career planning: What’s their motivation?
To learn more about these students, we asked a follow-up question: “What fuels your career plan the most?” Here are five of the answers that surfaced several times in their responses.
Achievement of financial security
The desire to earn a better living for oneself and one’s family is no small matter. So, unsurprisingly, answers such as “job security,” “making a living,” and “the desire to support myself and my children” appeared several times throughout the survey. Concerns such as “not having to worry about expenses and living costs with a higher paying career,” and the consideration that having a “better educated background hopefully means better paying full-time employment,” certainly weigh on the mind of many, if not most, of those who responded.
自分自身と自分の家族にとってより良い生活を送るという願望は、それほど大きな問題ではなく、 だからこそ驚くことではないが、「仕事の安全」や「生計を立てる」、そして「自分と子供を支えたいという望み」等の回答は、調査をするにあたりいくつか見受けられました。 「経費や生活費を心配する必要がない」や「より良い教育を受けたという経歴が、うまくいけば正社員扱いの雇用をより高い効率で取れる」等の心配は、確かに多くの人々が心に抱いているのか多くの人々が回答しました。
Becoming a support and role model for others
Whether by providing material support to family and the community, or serving as a mentor, the goal of “being able to support others” plays a large role in many respondents’ lives. As one student put it: “helping others is what I love to do.” Another student wrote about the desire to “be the person you needed when you were younger.”
家族やコミュニティに重要なサポートを提供すること、またはメンターとして役立つことなど、「他の人をサポートできる」という目標は、多くの人々の生活に大きな役割を果たします。 ある学生が「他者をサポートすることは私がしたいことです。」と回答しています。他の学生は、「若くても必要な人材になりたい。」という願いを回答していました。
“Family” and “children” were mentioned throughout the survey responses, as were comments such as “helping others and seeing the difference I can hope to make” and “making a positive difference” in their communities and in society as a whole.
Desire and motivation to succeed
The feeling of achievement and accomplishment inspires many students to pursue their career plans. Common answers in this vein included “dedication,” “motivation,” “desire to excel,” and a “desire to succeed.” Many of our respondents would also likely echo the sentiment of the one who wrote: “I’ve come too far to stop now!”
Numerous students wrote about their passion. And in the group of survey respondents, many passions were mentioned, including: “art,” “teaching,” “ministry,” “starting my own business venture,” “helping others,” “animals,””I found a major that I really loved and am good at. I’m striving to be successful in my career choice and I’m going to do anything possible to help myself learn and become better at what I’m doing.” “owning my own business in the future,” “writing,” and “providing a voice for those who have none.” For these students, “doing what I love” is the fuel for their plan to succeed.
数多くの学生が自身の情熱について回答しました。 調査の段階で多くの回答者達は、「芸術」や「教育」、「奉仕活動」、「自分のビジネスを始める」、「援助活動」そして「動物を保護」などの多くが挙げられました。 「私は本当に大好きな事が見つかりました。 自分のキャリアを選び、選択したキャリアを成功するために努力したいと思っております。私は自分自身が学び、自分の技術をより良くする為に何かをするつもりです。」 「将来自分のビジネスを、持ちたい」 「物書き」 and 「ない人の為の声を提供する」以上のように、「自分自身が好きな事をやる」という事は将来成功するためのエネルギーのようです。
Attainment of specific opportunities and career goals
When pursued with a plan in mind, a college education can open doors to new and different career opportunities. The drive to succeed in this chosen endeavor provided a common thread among the responses. In one student’s words: “I found a major that I really loved and am good at. I’m striving to be successful in my career choice and I’m going to do anything possible to help myself learn and become better at what I’m doing.”
計画を念頭に置くと学校教育に、様々な新しいキャリアの機会を開くことが出来ると思います。この洗練された努力を成功させるための行動は、回答の中でも共通のスレッドをいくつか見受けました。 ある学生の言葉では、「私が本当に好きな学科が見つかりました。「私は自分の選択した自分のキャリアが成功するよう、努力したいです。そして私は自分が学ぶにあたり自分自身が向上出来、自分のしていることがいい結果になる為には何でもしたいと考えております。」
Many students do have a particular career in mind, and are using college to pursue and achieve the goal of a job in that field. One respondent said, “I get excited knowing that one day, I will be working in a field that I love and helping people to become healthy and/or stay healthy.” Another noted that she “always wanted to do accounting,” and still another said that “I think about being a teacher everyday and that is what keeps me focused.” Several others wrote of their dream of “opening my own business” and putting their skills and knowledge to use as entrepreneurs.
多くの学生は特定のキャリアを念頭に置き、大学という場を利用し、その分野の仕事の目標を達成しています。 ある人は、「ある日、私が好きな分野で働き、人々が健康になり健康を保つ事をサポート出来る事を知って嬉しく思います。」と述べました。また、「ずっと会計をしたいと思っていました。」 別の人は、「毎日教師になりたいと思っています。それが今の私の集中している事です。」と言いました。他の人達は、自分のビジネスを開拓し、技術と知識を起業家として使用出来るという夢について書いています。
Meanwhile, others are hoping to develop knowledge and skills that will help them excel and move forward in their current careers: “I am in the job I dreamed of and love; this degree will only enhance that experience.”
The process (and a love for) learning
For many students, the college experience itself offers many opportunities that spur on their desire to pursue and achieve their career goals. They wrote that specific people, such as “my adviser/mentor/professors in my major,” as well as their appreciation for the education they’re receiving, provide them with the motivation they need. Others noted that college provided the best of both worlds: “getting the best undergrad and graduate education and making connections with professionals within my field.”
多くの学生にとって大学の経験そのものは、自分のキャリア目標を達成するというプロセスに拍車をかける多くのきっかけになります。 彼らは、「自分の専攻の私の顧問/教師/教授」などの特定の人々は、彼らが受けている教育と同様に、必要な動機を与えているとあります。 他の人たちは、大学では最高の学部と大学院での教育を受け、うけている分野の専門家との関係を築くことで、両国のベストを提供したと指摘がありました。
Many of the respondents are motivated by the goal of an advanced degree, and cited a desire to earn a master’s degree or Ph.D. And, they want to pass what they’ve gained on to other people: “I believe education is very important so therefore I want to become a professor and continue to educate others.”
回答者の多くは、高度な学位の目標にしたいと考えていて、修士号または博士号を取得するという願望を一つに挙げています。 そして、彼らは自分が得たものを他の人に伝えたいと思っています。「教育はとても重要だと思うので教授になり、色々な人に教育し続けたい。」といったコメントなどがあります。
To achieve career success, students will do well to start planning how they’ll achieve their goals as soon as they know what it is that they’d like to do. By identifying what motivates them to succeed, they will be on their way towards developing a personally meaningful plan that gets them where they’re hoping to go in the future.
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