March is coming!
Good morning everyone!
One month left until the results for the current fiscal year come out!
*Below is the translation of image.
Management philosophy
Our mission is to connect all the people of the heart and mind involved in the dwelling and food, giving happiness.
C-NET’s 5 Pilars
① Company that is trusted by all of our customers
② Company that cherish the ties of opportunity of relationship and meeting people
③ Company can always remains smile of our employees and their families
④ Company that has the energy and the courage to preserve, to accomplish the mission, and not giving up from everything
⑤ That company can trust by being transparent and healthy
C-NET Quality Declaration
① We make an effort to exceed our customer’s expectations with a feeling of gratitude
② We work sense of responsibility has a high professional conciousness
③ Fulfilling our responsibilities to the fellow, to cherish the teamwork and communication
④ Show the carefree firmly of our toughts
⑤ Never under estimate, and to act as look up the thing
All C-NET family re-recognize the “C-NET’s Company Philosophy”, and we will push forward to achieve the goal until last moment.
All C-NET family aiming for 98% to reach this month!
In March, we will do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, and make this happen!!
3月も、やるぞ‼やるぞ‼やるぞ やるぞ‼やるぞ‼やるぞ‼
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