Top 10 Safety Tips for College Students
Top 10 Safety Tips for College Students
There are easy ways to prevent yourself from becoming more vulnerable than necessary or putting yourself into potentially harmful situations
Being on a college campus is fun but it’s easy to gain a false sense of security and feeling of safety when surrounded by your peers. After all, they’re just honest students like you, right? Wrong.
大学のキャンパスにいるのは楽しいとは思います、そしてあなたの友達や同級生に囲まれている時に安全感を得るのは容易な事です。 そして、彼らはあなたのような正直な学生だと思いますか? 違うんです。
It’s important to acknowledge and remember that you don’t always know who you can trust, even when you’re in the college campus bubble.
While the threat of danger may not always be your first assumption, it’s important to be prepared should a situation ever present itself.
The following college safety tips can help you avoid dangerous situations or help you should you find yourself in a risky situation.
1. Don’t allow technology to make you unaware of your surroundings
Everyone with headphones, a smartphone and an MP3 player knows – the minute you’re plugged in, you barely exist anymore! You stare at your phone, zoned out; not knowing what is going on around you. This, in essence, is exactly what you should be avoiding.
ヘッドホンを繋げられるスマートフォンやMP3プレーヤーを持っている人は今の時代、誰でも持っているものです。プラグに繋いだ瞬間にあなたはもういないのと同じです。!あなたは自分の持っている電話を見つめ、そこに集中してしまいます。 あなたの周りで何が起こっているのか分からない。 これは、本質的に、まさにあなたが避けなければならないものです。
When you start to find yourself becoming unaware of what’s going on around you is the time you need to consider turning the music down, putting your phone away and opening your eyes to what’s happening.
The key to getting out of a potentially dangerous situation is to recognize it as such. This is nearly impossible if you aren’t even aware of the situations you’re walking into.
危険な状況から脱出するための鍵は、危険だと認識することです。 あなたが意識していなければ、不可能な事です。
2. Never walk alone at night
Walking around alone and in the dark is basically asking for trouble. Sure, there are times that you need to get from point A to point B which may occur at night, but you should always abide by the buddy system so that, should something happen, you’re not on your own.
一人で、暗闇の中を歩くということは、基本的にトラブルを自分から作っているようなものです。 例えば、夜にア点からウ点に向かわなければとします。その時、一人ではなく誰かと一緒に向かえば何かあった時、一人で対処しなくても誰かが一緒にいると言う事です。
3. Utilize locks
While it’s easy to become relaxed in college life, there are some habits that should always remain standard. Locking your doors, especially when you’re alone or asleep, should be one of them.
大学生活でリラックスするのは簡単ですが、習慣化すべきいくつかの習慣があります。 特にあなたが一人で寝ているときにでも、あなたのドアをロックするなどいった事です。
Aside from allowing yourself to be vulnerable, it’s also much easier for theft to take place if you’re essentially providing easier access to burglars.
4. Carry some emergency cash
It’s good to have some cash on you at all times, just in case. Perhaps your credit card won’t work or your debit card gets lost. You never want to be stuck in a scary situation because you don’t have the necessary funds to get out of it as quickly as possible.
自分自身のためにもいつも現金を幾らか持ち歩くのは良いことです。 最悪のケースでクレジットカードが機能しなかったり、キャッシュ・カードが紛失するかもしれません。 できるだけ早く危険な状況から抜け出すためにもある程度必要な資金があれば、恐ろしい状況に陥ることは決してありません。
5. Locate the emergency system areas on campus
Most campuses have emergency call buttons or phones scattered throughout campus for students to utilize in the event of an emergency. Find out what your campuses system is and locate the areas in which the systems are placed. Should you ever find yourself in trouble, it will be much easier if you know where you can call for help.
ほとんどのキャンパスでは、緊急時に学生が利用できるように、キャンパス内に点在する緊急ボタンや緊急連絡用のシステムがあります。 あなたのキャンパスにどんなシステムがどういったものであるかを調べ、緊急システムが置かれているエリアを見つけます。 困ったことがあったら、どこに助けを求めることができるかを知っていればもっと快適になります。
6. Know your way around campus
In addition to paying attention to your surroundings; you should know your surroundings as well.
Take time to become familiar with campus landmarks and streets so that you are able to navigate your way around – or out of an area, should you need to.
あなたの周辺に気を配る事に加えて、 自身で周辺を知るべきです。
7. Never stay at a party when your friend leaves
No, you don’t need to call it an early night just because one of your friends does. But, what you should do is ensure you always have a minimum of one person with you that you know (and know you can trust).
Being alone in a party setting isn’t smart – go home if you’re going to be alone because it is not worth the risk to stay – no matter how nice everyone there seems.
8. Avoid becoming inebriated and losing control
If you’re getting to the point that you don’t have control of yourself or your surroundings, you need to stop and think about the types of situations you’re putting yourself in.
It’s far too easy for others to take advantage of you or a situation if you can’t think or act rationally.
9. Always have emergency contacts on you or in your device
If you have a smartphone, program emergency numbers into it. It’s one of the first spots hospitals check if you’re admitted alone because they are able to bypass your pass code in order to access your contacts.
スマートフォンをお使いの場合は、必ず緊急電話番号を登録しておいてください。 緊急時に自分の連絡先により簡単にアクセスすることができるので、もし何かがあった時に一人で入院する場合、病院側がチェックする最初のポイントの一つだからです。
Additionally, list your important emergency contact numbers and information in your planner, if you carry one. Whatever items you have on a regular basis are good spots to keep emergency information.
10. Consider carrying pepper spray, a whistle or taking a self-defense course
The hope is certainly that you’d never need to make use of these defense mechanisms, however, having them with you can make a life-saving difference in harmful situations you otherwise might not be able to get out of.
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