Blessing Marketing Day!
Today is a happy friday! And today is C-NET’s happy marketing day!
When we walked around Manila University belt area, we saw the church.
Named “San Sebastian Church –Basílica Menor de San Sebastián–
This church construction completed on 1981, San Sebastian Church is known as the architectual features. This church made by only from the steel, and it’s the only prefabricated steel church in the world. It is was included in the tentative list for possible designation as a World Heritage Site, and here in the Philippines it was designated as National Historical Landmark.
It was like a miracle happened, during marketing and suddenly found this church in the middle of the day. I am pleased and feel very blessed with the incident that there was such a rare thing happened.
So I prayed today the success future of C-NET♪
今日はハッピー華金! そして、今日はシー・ネットのハッピー・マーケティング日!
“サンセバスチャン教会” –Basílica Menor de San Sebastián(バシリカ・メノール・デ・サン・セバスチャン)-という教会。
この教会の建設は1981年に完成し、特にサン・セバスチャン教会は建築的な特徴で広く知られています。 それは世界遺産にも指定され、そして暫定リストに現在含まれております。ここフィリピンでは、歴史的国家のランドマークとして指定されています。
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